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Apple Parsnip Soup

For a holiday dinner, a bowl of soup is always a good idea as the first course. That’s why I decided to share my recipe for apple parsnip soup. It’s a great opener to a meal, and a delight as part of a holiday meal.

Apple parsnip soup is a subtle soup with lots of texture which rates high on the comfort factor. A small bowl is all you need to serve to open up your guests’ appetites, which should get them a little excited and ready for everything else you have on the menu.


Apple Parsnip Soup by Diverse Dinners

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Ginger Cucumber Apple Detox Juice

On my quest for a more disciplined life, I’ve injected a twice weekly detox juice into my diet. A juice that helps release the toxins from my body and also work on my wavering digestive system. Strangely, this juice derived from a request from my friend Trevor, for a ginger cucumber juice with pimento. He wanted me to make him a sweet and spicy concoction with a mound of sugar. Don’t worry I resisted, I just couldn’t create a sickly sweet drink and hail it as a juice that provides benefit to the body. So here’s what I ended up with, a ginger cucumber apple detox juice. It is exactly what I need, a gloriously tasty juice that aids the body, hopefully Trevor will love it too.

Ginger Cucumber Apple Detox Juice by Diverse Dinners

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Apple Avocado Smoothie

In an effort to eat more healthily I plan on starting my days with a healing or energy giving breakfast. It’s a smart way to start the day. Yesterday I started the day with an apple avocado smoothie. Yum! It is a thoroughly delightful smoothie that will put a pep in your step once consumed. Every ingredient provides healing qualities and together may help to keep symptoms of cardiovascular disease in check. What could be better?

Apple Avocado Smoothie by Diverse Dinners


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Apple Crumble

I think apple crumble was the first thing I cooked in high school.  I had a class called Home Economics, where we were taught not only how to cook, but how to run a home. Very provincial – right? Nonetheless, I was taught well. My apple crumble is a thing of beauty. This baby will melt in your mouth, but not before alerting all your other senses to take note and enjoy!

Apple CrumbleRead More

Apple Salad

Currently, I can’t get enough red kale and endive, every time I sink my teeth into those greens, I feel as if I’m replenishing my body, guarding against disease and strengthening my immune system. To be frank, I feel really pleased with myself.

I’ve been sharing my red kale and endive stash with family and friends when they visit, and my most recent visitors, my mother and niece, had the pleasure of tasting my apple salad.

I sense a furrowed brow – I’ve been banging on about kale and endive and now I mention that I shared an apple salad. Well, my apple salad consists of red kale, endive and apple, laced with rice vinegar and olive oil. The reason I call it apple salad is because the kale and endive take a back seat to the apple in this salad, the rice vinegar allows the apple to thrive and is major on the tastebuds. Take a look.

Apple Salad

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